Why join AEA

Why join AEA

AEA brings together the most important companies in the aluminium and surface treatment sector, with the aim of supporting and coordinating their common interests and working together for quality. We work together for a sector that responds to the new challenges we face.

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Aluminium, looking to the future

La mayor asociación española del sector del aluminio

The largest Spanish association of the aluminium sector

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Compromiso con el  desarrollo sostenible

Commitment to
sustainable development, energy efficiency and recycling

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Estándares de calidad

Promoting the most demanding quality standards

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AEA te ayuda

AEA helps you make decisions

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Advantages of joining AEA



By joining AEA, you can apply for the QUALANOD (EWAA/EURAS), QUALICOAT, QUALIDECO and QUALISTEELCOAT quality labels.

Your company will become more competitive, as your customers will have the security of acquiring a product that is guaranteed from the factory with a quality certificate.

They will comply with the regulations and test procedures based on European Standards in force in the EU (EN) and International Standards (ISO), which will open the doors to expand your market internationally.



The sector is moving, it is changing very fast and we must be alert to respond to the new demands of the market and the administration.

You will have a tool for consultation, intermediation and defence of your interests before the different public administration bodies and national and international organisations.

AEA acts in this sense through its Technical Committee for Extrusion, Systems and Sustainability CTESS, and its Technical Advisory Committee for Coating CTAL.


Representation and Communication

You will always be up to date on the situation of the sector, both nationally and internationally, as we are represented in different organisations such as ESTAL, CONFEMETAL and we prepare statistics for the exclusive use of our associates. Your company can make itself better known to all the agents that interact in our sector; AEA works very actively with the magazine ALUMINIO to keep these groups informed.


Standardisation and Certification

Your voice will be heard in the different AENOR forums in which AEA takes part and in which the standards that affect us are set (CTN-38, 85, 112, 198) and extrusion products are certified (CTC-047 and 064).


Standardisation and Certification

Your voice will be heard in the different AENOR forums in which AEA takes part and in which the standards that affect us are set (CTN-38, 85, 112, 198) and extrusion products are certified (CTC-047 and 064).


Training / Information

You will achieve technical and professional improvements in your company. Your technical and quality managers will be able to participate in Technical Conferences to update and expand their knowledge, as well as to exchange practical experiences in the areas of: Quality Management, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Production Technology.

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Asociados AEA

Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Santa Cruz de Tenerife