The Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico, Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines, AIDIMME is the result of the merger of AIDIMA (Instituto Tecnológico del Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines) and AIMME (Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico). It is a private, non-profit association, with its own legal personality, and national and international projection.
AIDIMME carries out research and development projects jointly with companies or financed by public funds, in which case the results are shared with the companies in the sector. This R&D&I is also disseminated through the advanced services offered by the Technological Institute.
We collaborate with thousands of companies in the sector, including many manufacturers from different industrial sectors: Manufacturers of raw materials: metal, paper and cardboard, wood and wood by-products, paints and varnishes, glues and adhesives, components and fasteners, foams, etc. Manufacturers of semi-finished products: sheets and boards, special pieces for furniture, etc. Manufacturers of final or finished products: furniture in general, pallets, packaging, etc. Distribution: purchasing groups, franchises, traditional trade, and department stores... Services: engineering companies, industrial designers and design publishers, transport, and distribution companies, etc.
The technical capacity of AIDIMME guarantees the development of companies with one of the best technological institutes in Europe, backed by a long experience since 1984 at the service of companies with high technological demand and a need for constant updating and knowledge. AIDIMME is under continuous renovation with technical equipment valued at more than 5 million euro. In addition, its service capacity (more than 150,000 hours per year) allows it to propose research lines, training plans, and other activities to companies in order to increase their competitiveness. AIDIMME has the most modern equipment in the world; a unique technological infrastructure with advanced laboratories that carry out more than 30,000 tests per year. AIDIMME's laboratories are accredited by ENAC and other international bodies such as ISTA. The enormous diversity of services provided by AIDIMME has generated a great deal of experience, making it a solid base of knowledge, information, and technology transfer.