Baix Llobregat, 18 - nave G
08759 VALLIRANA Barcelona
Euroimpianti Instalaciones de Pintura, SL is a company based in Barcelona that promotes the complete powder coating systems produced by its Italian parent company. Since 1976, Euroimpianti produces complete lines, composed of a pre-treatment tunnel, drying and polymerisation ovens, paint application booths, and a mono-rail overhead conveyor. Each part of the system is modular for quick installation, customised according to the material to be painted and the required productivity. The company produces different types of systems: Manual installations, semi-automatic painting installations, and horizontal and vertical painting lines.
In addition to the Spanish company, Euroimpianti has subsidiaries in Donaueschingen (Germany), Santa Catarina (Brazil), and Florida (USA) with multilingual and local support staff.
Powerful in vertical, limitless in horizontal.