P.I.- c/G - Aptdo. 46
50750 PINA DE EBRO Zaragoza
1. We will consistently satisfy our customers: We will create a long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship with the customer and be the vendor of choice.
2. We are innovative: We will anticipate customer needs, new markets and applications, creating and developing new products and services.
3. We achieve excellence: We will provide total customer satisfaction based on our own criteria and we will get the job done right the first time and always deliver on our promises.
4. We recognise our suppliers: We will maintain and enhance our relationship with our suppliers by considering them as innovators and high-level partners; we will share high standards of ethics and integrity.
5. We do it right: We will provide accurate, cost-effective, timely and high-quality information and implement the best system to achieve total customer satisfaction.
6. We continuously improve: We will improve our products, services and processes, adopt and share our best practices and achieve the lowest cost.
7. We work as a team: We will actively support each other and work together to achieve common goals at all levels.
8. We continuously develop people: We will provide an open, competitive, rewarding and participative environment, maximising opportunities for personal and professional development.
9. We share information: We will communicate the company's goals, direction and performance and encourage open and regular communication on all issues.
10. We support safety, environment and community: We will promote healthy and safe working conditions, as well as the environmental and physical environment in which we work. We will engage with the surrounding community.